Together, we live up to and create values – Compliance at ALD

For more than 150 years, we have been one of the leading providers of tailor-made vacuum technology systems in the field of metallurgy and heat treatment and have set standards for our customers with innovative process technology.

As part of the listed AMG Critical Materials N.V. group, ALD does not only offer individual system solutions for maximum cost-effectiveness. We also support our customers with a wide range of services. For instance, our first class support and maintenance service takes care of our systems throughout the entire system life cycle, individually tailored to the needs of our customers, and thus ensures optimal availability and operational life time for our customers.

Since the company was founded, we have continuously adapted to changing market conditions and individual customer requirements. Together with our customers, we continually identify new potentials that ultimately create new values ​​and innovations.

We are convinced that our sustainable success and our high global reputation among our business partners are closely linked to our corporate policy, which is geared towards long- term sustainability and integrity.
Find out more about our company policy.

Our Code of Business Conduct

We are aware of our social responsibility. The way we conduct our business is of great importance to all ALD employees, but also to our partners.
Our Code of Business Conduct sets out our Values and guiding principles and serves as a guide and tool for making the right decisions and finding the right solutions to ethical issues.
Download: Code of Business Conduct..

Every human being has rights

Every human being is born free and equal in dignity and rights. The protection of this freedom and respect for human rights are tasks for society as a whole, for which everyone – governments, companies and individuals – must take responsibility. We are committed to respecting human rights in our own operations and to promoting them within our value chain.
Download: Human Rights Policy.

Stakeholder Engagement

We are aware that our business activities have an impact that extends beyond our employees. We consider the embedding of our company in our social environment to be an important factor for the sustainable development of ALD.
For this reason, we seek constant dialog with various interest groups in order to better understand and consider their expectations and concerns.
Download: Stakeholder Engagement Policy..

We are diverse

ALD Vaccum Technologies GmbH is a signatory to the Diversity Charter. We firmly believe that diversity does not only enrich our company, but in addition expands our pool of knowledge.
By changing our perspective, often completely new views open up, which contributes to the long-term success of our company.
Download: Diversity and Inclusion Policy..

We protect our environment

Our biggest stakeholder is our planet. We are committed to minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and to promoting environmental sustainability at all levels of our organization.
A particular focus is on improving the CO2 efficiency of our operations as well as on enabling our customers to reduce their CO2 emissions through the use of our products.
Download: Environmental Policy.

We do not tolerate corruption and bribery

We expect ourselves and our business partners to act with the highest level of integrity and fairness.
In all our business actions and decisions, we always pay attention that they are made according to appropriate, objective and economic criteria and that they are free of conflicts of interest.
Download: Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption and Conflicts of Interest Policy.

We act safely

We practice the highest standards of health and safety.
We put people at the center of our decisions and respect everyone's right to a safe and healthy workplace. This also applies to contractors who work for us as well as to those who are deployed throughout our supply chain.
Download Workplace Health and Safety Policy.

We expect our suppliers to be reputable

ALD is a global company operating in a global market. Our supplier relationships are diverse and crucial to our economic success and the promotion of social values ​​and ecological goals. ALD expects all suppliers doing business with us to adhere to the principles set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Download Supplier Code of Conduct.

Speak Up

We encourage everyone to notify us of circumstances that suggest a violation of legal requirements or internal rules. In order to give employees and other internal and external stakeholders the opportunity to express their opinions and report suspected irregularities, we have implemented a Speak Up & Reporting Policy and various reporting channels.
Download: Speak Up & Reporting Policy..