ALD Facts & Figures
Foundation | 1994 |
Company structure | Subsidiary of AMG Critical Materials N.V. |
Organization | Private limited company with subsidiaries worldwide |
Headquarter | Otto-von-Guericke-Platz 1, Hanau, Germany |
Shareholders since 12/2009 | AMG Invest GmbH, Frankfurt, 94,9 % AMG Critical Materials N.V., Amsterdam, 5,1 % |
Employees 2018 | approx. 900 |
ALD Facts & Figures
Foundation: 1994
Company structure: Subsidiary of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V.
Organization: Private limited company with subsidiaries worldwide
Headquarter: Otto-von-Guericke-Platz 1, Hanau, Germany
Shareholders since 12/2009: AMG Invest GmbH, Frankfurt, 94,9 %, AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Amsterdam, 5,1 %
Employees 2018: approx. 900