Vacuum Turbine Blade Coating for thermal barrier coating
- Short campaign times
- Small investment costs
- High part flexibility
- Small floor space requirements/ no pit
- One man operation and service
- Small volumes
- 2 layer coating systems (2 crucibles) (Ingot translation Mover, ITM)
- Multilayer coating systems (special crucible)
- Metal coatings
- Advanced layer monitoring
- Integration of a Residual Gas Analyzer in coating chamber
- Advanced quality management systems

Vacuum Turbine Blade Coating EB/PVD SMART Coater, Type SL for thermal barrier coating
New SMART Coater
The Choice for new TBC coatings, Bond Coating and Pilot Production
After almost 30 years of utilization of ZrO2 (YSZ) the demand for new types of coatings with better properties is one of the significant contributors for the overall improvement of aircraft engines, in terms of lower fuel consumption and lower CO2 emission.
Such development work needs to be done on R&D equipment which allows the use of newly developed processes on the existing EB-PVD coating machines for thermal barrier coatings (TBC).
The ALD SMART Coater development and pilot system has been designed for such a purpose. This system uses the electron beam gun, the geometries, the process flow and parts manipulation similar to the existing mass production machines. This offers all necessary flexibility for R&D work with a small foot print and optimized interfaces for quick turnaround during development work.
Mr. Jürgen Hotz
T: +49 6181 307 3228
E: Juergen.Hotz@ald-vt.de
Mr. Björn Sehring
T: +49 6181 307 3341
E: Bjoern.Sehring@ald-vt.de
Mr. Jürgen Lemke
T: +49 6181 307 3128
E: Juergen.Lemke@ald-vt.de
Mr. Stefan Kunkel
T: +49 6181 307 3252
E: Stefan.Kunkel@ald-vt.de